Why Acrylics?

Why acrylics? There are so many reasons. First, acrylics offer the bold colors I’m looking for. Also, they can mimic the thickness of oils or, when mixed with water, the thin watery look of watercolors. They are versatile, in other words. Acrylics dry quickly — and perhaps best of all, they clean up with water! What could be better?

For those of us who are just learning how to paint, acrylics are also forgiving. Because they dry quickly, I can either wipe out or cover up my mistakes within minutes!

Furthermore, acrylics are becoming more accepted in the art world. Whereas they were once looked on as inferior to oils, today most artists are learning otherwise. And they may even outlive oils! Time, of course, will tell.

Brands matter, too. I’ve learned that some acrylics just don’t work for me; however, I don’t need to spend a fortune on paint. Some of the less expensive brands work just fine, such as Liquitex Basics. Truth be told, though, my favorite paints are Windsor and Newton and Grumbacher. These can be a bit more expensive, but they’re smooth (non-clumping, no matter the mistakes) and easy to work with.

So, visit your local Michael’s store, or (online) visit Jerry’s Artarama  — and give acrylics a try!


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